Why Choose Us?

  • We have over 4,000 websites in operation
  • We get 5,000,000 page impressions per month
  • More than 500,000 visitors per month search for real estate on our sites
  • Average time on our sites is 7 minutes versus a national average of 52 seconds
  • 90% of homebuyers start their search online
  • 80% of homebuyers who search for real estate on the internet end up purchasing through a Realtor
  • Almost 40% of home buyers found the homes they purchased FIRST on the internet. They were not shown the house first by an agent
  • Long tail keywords account for 70% of search engine traffic

The Dirty Little Secret About IDX

Most Realtors report that their websites don't generate search engine traffic!

Although most IDX solutions are advertised as "search-engine friendly," they are optimized to bring visitors to their website, not yours. Unless you want to spend thousands of dollars to optimize your site by meticulously restructuring the content, headings, links, meta tags, etc., the main traffic to your site is not going to be generated by Google property searches, even for your MLS listings. No matter how much time and energy you put into it, your website will remain dumb because traditional IDX solutions are designed for that.

So How Do I Get a "Smart" Website?

Web Retool has partnered with Dynamic Page Solutions to bring you smart technology, which will populate your website or blog with thousands of MLS listings that are customized and visible to search engines as part of your page. It does all the optimization work for you, selecting keywords, and driving traffic to your site through property searches. Adaptation of this technology can boost your bottom line by increasing your chances of making contact with homebuyers with intent to buy a specific property.